Almost all the best hospitals in Pakistan now have social media pages on Facebook and Instagram. Let’s face it social media presence is necessary for every business and industry to survive. While other industries have made quite a use of social media for advertising, we have seen that the healthcare industry has also jumped on the bandwagon.
Many people follow WHO on Facebook and Instagram for information regarding diseases and viral infections and viruses. They give detailed information about the healthcare problems and some potential diseases according to the seasons and outbreaks. Nowadays, every healthcare organization is running a campaign on the Monkeypox virus.
It is very helpful for people all around the world. But let’s discuss our country Pakistan, where the majority population is below the literacy line, they cannot write or read, either English or Urdu. So in this case, are these Instagram and Facebook accounts with a lot of information of any use for this population? I think not.
So how to deliver information to this population? They might not have accounts on Facebook and Instagram but they all have Tiktok on their phones. And to be fair, not just the unprivileged population, our GEN Z also prefers TikTok as a source of entertainment and information. This is something universal now and we should admit that we cannot do anything about it, to be honest, it’s not all bad and it is kind of fun. So why not use a platform for a good purpose.
Let’s see how TikTok can help the healthcare industry and the best hospitals in Pakistan to spread awareness and grow business.
Encourage medical professionals to join the platform
People find it difficult to read about medical stuff, it is hard for them to comprehend the terms. But when someone explains it to them they easily understand it, and if a doctor tells something itself people tend to get more convinced.
Hospitals should make their doctors the face of their organization. An awareness campaign can be more effective if the awareness message comes from a qualified doctor. Many nurses use TikTok and they make videos of hospitals and the procedures which can be helpful for people. This also gives a very positive image of a hospital and people get to know that their staff is friendly and cooperative.
Engage younger staff
Mostly our youth is present on this platform and they instantly get influenced by anything they see on TikTok. Then why not give them something good for their healthcare? Hospitals should engage their young doctors and nurses to create content on TikTok to engage younger people out there.
Many young people do not take care of their health and hesitate to visit hospitals and doctors. But if doctors make their image friendly and tell them that there is nothing to hesitate about taking care of their own health, then a huge amount of young people will get influenced and will start visiting hospitals. This can reduce the use of unprescribed medicine and other health issues.
Do a question & answer session to get feedback
Most of the best hospitals in Pakistan get feedback on the feedback forms during check-out. Then some upgraded and started taking feedback online and on Google reviews. But we know most of our population do not like to write and give honest reviews to help. But we all know feedback is important and every organization needs feedback from their clients and customers. If people are not responding on written forms for years, then it’s time to change the means and platforms.
Tiktok can be very interactive and can also be fun, there is a feature on TikTok from which you can go live and talk to people. The viewers can interact through comments, you can ask questions about the hospital and people will answer you in the comments. It’s totally up to you if you want to ask closed-ended questions or open the house for suggestions. After the session, you can read all the comments again and do the analysis.
Be a credible source
There is a lot of information and misinformation on the internet and social media. People can get misled very easily because most people do not bother to research and check the source themselves. But all the best hospitals in Pakistan have a chance to be a credible source of information for everyone, which people can trust. Be an institution for people and tell them you are here to guide them and help them. This will build a relationship of trust among hospitals and people.
Don’t get boring
There is a lot to see on TikTok, too much content and videos. People use this platform to get entertained and enjoy themselves. So why would anyone watch something very boring with hard vocabulary that they cannot understand? To join this platform, it is important to learn about the audience and content creation. Learn the trends, and learn the interests of the audience.
Do not join the platform without proper research. And then make this interesting for people, add a little humor. Show them doctors can laugh too; they also have a sense of humor. Show them some of the backstage practices, how you do regular work, and how the procedures work. This will be both interesting and entertaining for people.
These are some ways the best hospitals in Pakistan can use the TikTok as an awareness platform. This is the high time to embrace technology and social media as part of our lives now. Actually, not just part of personal lives, but also a need to grow your business.